We're Announcing our New Strategic Framework

After spending most of 2018 engaged in an in-depth process to reexamine its mission as champion of the entrepreneurial spirit, Burton D. Morgan Foundation is excited to launch its new strategic framework.

We will remain rooted in Burt Morgan's forward-thinking dream that the Foundation be a pioneer in investing philanthropic resources to advance entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education.

Going forward, our work will be focused in three main areas:

                       Ecosystem Building
                       Knowledge Sharing 

In recent years, our work has addressed entrepreneurship across Northeast Ohio with a broad brush.  Given the expansiveness and complexity of our evolving ecosystem, we must become more specialized and targeted so that we can maximize the impact of our resources through synergistic investments.

  •  The Foundation will continue to support youth and collegiate entrepreneurship programs as we have in the past through an application process outlined on our website.
  • For adult entrepreneurship programming going forward, all applications will be on an invitation-only basis with significant emphasis initially placed on Akron’s growing ecosystem  and targeted funding for select region-wide initiatives.
  • We will launch the Morgan Scout Fund, an initiative aimed at...

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