Total:  $464,250

Ashland University, $36,000
For Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship programming in 2012-13 and 2013-14

Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, $100,000
For the entrepreneurship graduate internship program and for the Technology Development Fund

Case Western Reserve University, $69,000
To develop and produce a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) about the role of entrepreneurship in transitioning economies, with a focus on lessons from Northeast Ohio

Entrepreneurship Education Consortium, Inc., $85,000
Support for 2013 Entrepreneurship Immersion Week and ideaLabs

Hiram College, $30,000
Operating and program support for the Center for Integrated Entrepreneurship

Hiram College, $530
For expenses associated with attending the Deshpande Symposium

Kent State University Foundation, $3,720
For the Burton D. Morgan Foundation Technology Endowment

Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education, $50,000
To support an expanded summer entrepreneurial internship program

Oberlin College, $40,000
For entrepreneurship programming for students

The Entrepreneurs EDGE, $50,000
To support the summer EDGE Fellows Internship program