Deshpande Symposium Opportunities

Deshpande Symposium

Join us June 12-14, 2024 in College Park, MD for the 13th Annual Deshpande Symposium!

If you are a higher education innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) catalyst, you are invited to the University of Maryland for a time of meaningful conversations, forging new connections, and celebrating the achievements of the vibrant I&E community this summer.

The theme this year is New Horizons: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Regional Ecosystem Building. We are seeking diverse ideas and perspectives for conference sessions across 4 areas of focus:

1. Entrepreneurship in the Curriculum
2. University Research Commercialization and Startups
3. Developing Entrepreneurial Universities, Culture & Ecosystems
4. Emerging Trends in Higher Ed Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Call for Proposals

The deadline to submit a proposal is January 31Learn more


Super Early Bird Registration is now open.  Super Early Bird tickets only cost $450 and include two and a half days of professional development and networking, daily breakfasts, snacks and lunch, and evening receptions, including the Awards Dinner. This pricing will be available until February 9 or until discounted tickets sell out.  Learn More

Award Nominations

Do you know of an institution or individual who has demonstrated exemplary work in higher education innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E)? Submit a nomination for the Excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Awards at the 13th Annual Deshpande Symposium!

Award categories include:

  • Excellence in Curriculum Innovation in Entrepreneurship
  • Excellence in Student Engagement in Entrepreneurship
  • Outstanding Contributions to Advancing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
  • The Entrepreneurial University

Shine a spotlight on the leaders and institutions championing and supporting I&E by nominating them for a 2024 award. The deadline is March 1, 2024. Learn More