Points of Intersection
Deborah D. Hoover

Leonardo da Vinci, the defining Renaissance man and perhaps the greatest intersectionalist of all times, believed that in order to fully understand something one needed to view it from at least three different perspectives." 

― Frans Johansson, The Medici Effect: What You Can Learn from Elephants and Epidemics.  Harvard Business School Press, 2006.

This concept of intersection informs Burton D. Morgan Foundation's latest exploration into the connections forged on liberal arts college campuses through the vehicle of entrepreneurship.  Over the last decade, the Northeast Ohio Collegiate Entrepreneurship Program (NEOCEP), jointly funded by Morgan and Kauffman foundations, has pioneered what it means for entrepreneurship to fuel the intersection of ideas on college campuses.   Morgan Foundation has long believed in the power of entrepreneurship as a galvanizer; an accelerant; a catalyst for a liberal arts education--it is meant to be combined with other disciplines and serve as the flame that sparks growth. 

Five liberal arts colleges in Northeast Ohio took on the challenge of discovering how to help students develop the entrepreneurial mindset.  We appreciate the reflections of our bold NEOCEP campuses--Baldwin Wallace University, Hiram College, Lake Erie College, Oberlin College, and The College of Wooster--as we have compiled this retrospective.  We encourage our readers to visit our website and see for yourselves how the NEOCEP experiment has evolved in the last ten years inspiring students, changing perceptions, and setting the stage for the convergence of the disparate ideas. 
